
Tuesday, 12 July 2011

RT @yesumob: "We do not just need authority, but the profound wisdom of God" jesustweeters
RT @yesumob: What each believer desires is that somehow he may be able to speak to his problems with the authority of Jesus.
RT @yesumob: The Church of Jesus Christ needs desperately to experience the authority of God.
RT @yesumob: "Humanity is destined to be redeemed or damned, and a battle rages for every life, for every family, for every town and for every nation"
RT @yesumob: "The age into which we have come is one of spiritual warfare directed at mankind"
RT @yesumob: "1John 1:9, {If we confess our sins, He (God) is Faithful and Righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness}"
Faith Praise YESUmob: God loves us unconditionally whether we are good or bad.
Faith Praise YESUmob: "Confession (homologeo in Greek) suggests agreement with God concerning our sins"
Faith Praise YESUmob: "1John 1:9, {If we confess our sins, He (God) is Faithful and Righteous to forgive us our si...
Faith Praise YESUmob: @danpoxton Amen. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Lord Grace
RT @yesumob: "The average Christian has allthe resources of God available, yethe lives in self-imposed spiritual poverty ona roller-coaster of emotions"
RT @yesumob: "The average Christian professes to believe in God, yet he acts as though God either does not exist, or is unwilling to help him"
Faith Praise YESUmob: "Just as we exhale and inhale physically, so we can also exhale and inhale spiritually"
Faith Praise YESUmob: "Theaverage Xstian fails toact asa child ofthe King or live asone who has been adopted into ...
Faith Praise YESUmob: "{Spiritual Breathing} is a principle which enables the believers to live a consistent Chris...
Faith Praise YESUmob: "The average Christian has allthe resources of God available, yethe lives in self-imposed sp...
Faith Praise YESUmob: RT @MissRaissa: I have decided to walk in divine order, just like Moses told God he will no...
Faith Praise YESUmob: RT @fprescott79: love the sinner, hate the sin! that's how we all should live our lives....
Faith Praise YESUmob: RT @awebdomain: To You oh LORD, I lift up my soul. O My GOD, I trust in You. Let me not be a...
Faith Praise YESUmob: RT @MissRaissa: The other day God gave me a revelation about my own life and I was like WOW ...
RT @yesumob: "Faith is like a muscle; it grows with exercise".
RT @yesumob: "The better we know God, the more we can trust Him and the more we experience the reality of His love, grace and power"
RT @yesumob: "We place our faith, even a faith that may be very weak, in a trustworthy God and His word"