
Saturday, 30 April 2011

"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Praise"
"Paul teaches us several important lessons about tests and trials in the life of a leader"
"and difficulties for when I am weak then I am strong ..the less I have the more I depend on him} [2Cor 12:5, 7-10]"
"My power [strength] shows up best in weak people}"
"Three times I begged God to take it away Each time He said {No grace [enablement] is adequate for you"
"so I was given a thorn in the flesh a messenger from Satan to hurt and bother me and prick my pride"
"The experiences I had [of being taken up to Heaven] were so tremendous God was afraid I might be pulled up [full of pride] by them;"
"Pauls Experiences {I am going to boast only about how weak I am and how great God is to use such weakness for his glory}"
"and take the suffering tests and trials that go with it I will give you my power"
"If you are willing to be reduced to weakness {total dependence on the Lord},"
"When you ask for Gods power he responds {Do you really mean it?}"
"David said {He weakened my strength in the way} [Ps 102:23]"
"If you ask for Gods power in your life you must understand what is required to have it"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray"
"from his experiences we can see how the Lords plan finally ended in good for he is full of tenderness and mercy [Joshua 5:10, 11]"
"For examples of patience in suffering look at the Lords prophets
"Job became a recipient of the double portion because he proved himself Gods loyal friend even in severe times of test and trials"
"In the end God gave back to Job twice as much as he had before [Job 42:10]"
"Job said {though God slay me yet I will trust him} [Job 13:15]"
"Job proved that Satans accusations were wrong and that his house his children and wealth were all taken away"
"Job {fell down upon the ground and worshipped} [Job 1:20]"
"When Satan had killed Jobs flocks herds and children and had destroyed all his property how did Job respond?"
"Take them away and Job will curse you. God responded to Satans challenge by giving Satan permission to take all Job had"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Lord"
Without Holiness, No Man Shall see God! (ALL SINNERS ARE DOOMED)
"This happened in Jobs life. The devil told God Job only serves you because you have blessed him with so many material blessings"
"Because of Gods mercy to save us from pride He allows very hard times prior to great enlargement and blessings"
"and we think it is because of our own cleverness or gifts that we are enjoying such blessings"
"When God gives enlargement pride often comes in"
"He does it
"He first takes them down into depths of discouragement into the quagmire of hopeless situation"
"When God plans to enlarge and bless a minister or a church"
"and that he might test thee to do thee good at thy latter end"
"*who fed thee in the wilderness with manna which thy fathers knew not that he might humble thee"
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"*who brought thee fresh water out of the rock of flint;"
"*where there were fiery serpents and scorpions and drought *where there was no water,"
"Moses described Gods action in bringing the children of Israel out of Egypt *Who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness"
"Jesus discovered that some followed Him {for the loaves and fishes} [that is for what they could get from Him not because they loved Him]"
"God wants to discover whether we serve Him because we love him or whether we serve Him for all the blessings He gives us"
"Why Does God Test And Try Us? TRIALS PROVE AND HUMBLE US"
"God graciously uses the chastisements and sufferings which follow to make us better leaders"
"If we acknowledge our failures and repent {renounce and turn from our sins},"
"Even though his problems were of hisown making God graciously usedthese judgment times to make David abetter man forthe tasks yet ahead"
"Your Daily Dose of Jesus at Daily"
"Having to flee for his life and suffer horrible indignities brought {enlargement} to David"
"One of these was administered at the hands of his son Absalom who usurped the throne and drove David into exile"
"Because of his sin the Lord sent severe judgment on David"

Friday, 29 April 2011

"God is going to teach us to mount up with wings as eagles"
"when we are again willing to wait on him and listen to his voice he shows us what is next on his agenda for us"
"When the pain and suffering has done its work of getting our attention"
"Suddenly problems pain and suffering hit us We begin {rebuking the devil} complaining and crying but all to no avail"
"But then God decides it is time for us to do some growing up and things change rapidly"
"*When the Lord speaks to us we are too distracted by our comfort to hear him"
"*We hear the word and enjoy the preaching *Sometimes we find it downright entertaining *Life is good and comfortable"
"Please read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Praise"
"*We do not want to move on through the wilderness experiences with their hardships to our promised land"
"*We love comfort and ease *We love to settle down by our little oasis and enjoy the dates and sunshine *We are comfortable where we are"
"We are all like those little eaglets. Although the Bible tells us we are on a pilgrimage through a world that is not our home,"
"In spiritual life as well as natural life there is a principle {no pain no gain}"
"She is making the nest uncomfortable for them so they will be willing to abandon it for flying training"
"Although the junior eaglets do not understand all that is happening to them mother eagle has a plan"
"Tests and trials begin to agitate the young eaglets who up to now have known no pain"
"Things are crowded and uncomfortable because several junior eaglets are competing for the same space Complaints and squawks fill the air"
"Try though they may the eaglets can find no place of comfort"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Praise"
"Flapping her massive wings she blows away all the comfortable living material This exposes the eaglets to the prickly briars and thorns"
"{stirreth up her nest and fluttereth over her young} This means she rips out the soft feathers"
"Comfort Removed However there comes a time in the growing up experience when the mother eagle"
"We enjoy dwelling in a place of safety learning from and enjoying the {sincere milk of the word} [1Pet 2:2]"
"We come to know the grace love and compassionate Father"
"The mother eagles feeds protects and sees to their every need. This is the way God treats us as {babes in Christ}"
"A comfortable nest Once hatched the eaglets dwell high above all harm in warm comfort"
"Soft materials combined with feathers plucked from her own breast line the nest. These forms an inviting shelter for her young"
"She weaves together prickly branches from briar and thorn bush to form a strong interlocking structure for her eggs"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray"
"The eagle builds her nest in lofty crags [cliff] high on the side of a mountain"
"spreadeth abroad her wings taketh them beareth them on her wings so the Lord alone did lead
"{Deut 32:11} As an eagle stirreth up her nest fluttereth over her young,"
"In the midst of the tests and turmoil coming my way the Lord gave me much encouragement by these promises"
"Who Brings Tests And Trials Into The Life Of The Christian? GOD AND EAGLES"
"Paul a prisoner of Jesus Christ [Eph 3:1]"
"Jesus said Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven [Matt 5:10]"
"Paul writes to a developing young church leader All they that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution [2Tim 3:12]"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Lord"
"as though some strange thing happened unto you [1 Pet 4:12]"
"Peter tells us think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to test you"
"Who Brings Tests And Trials Into The Life Of The Christian? TESTS AND PERSECUTION PROMISED"
"God always works all things together for good for those that love Him and are called according to his purpose [Rom 8:28]"
"He will keep the temptation [test] from becoming so strong that you cant stand up against it [1Cor 10:13]"
"It is comforting to know that God is on our side When we place ourselves in his hand He is always with us no matter what the circumstances"
"He refused to acknowledge Satan in any of his trials and tribulations"
"Even though Job was being attacked by Satan he was dealing with his God not the devil"
"Though God slay me yet will I trust Him [Job 13:15]"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God TeamJesus"
"But notice Job never blamed the devil. He said {The hand of God has touched me} [Job 19:21]"
"The Bible tells us that the devil obtained Gods permission to test Job [Job 1]"

Thursday, 28 April 2011

"should recognize authority of his ministry and go forth as one who is an ambassador of our conquering warriorking"
"It is now time that every bearer of a ministrygift of Christ every apostle prophet evangelist pastor or teacher"
"The devil hates and fears a ministry of authority"
"It is the privilege of heralding the good news of deliverance throughout the land"
"It is a key to unlock prison doors to announce freedom to those who have been enslaved by the enemy"
"Jesus gives church leaders this authority to release those in prison or bondage to demonic powers in which they are held illegally"
"Please read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Praise"
"It is an authority to lose men from sin and from sickness"
"They possess His delegated authority over all the foes of mankind the devil demons and all their evil works"
"Therefore those to whom the gifts are given share the victory of Christ"
"He conquered those who had conquered us such as sin the devil and death"
"he led a train of vanquished [defeated] foes and bestowed gifts on men"
"Therefore it is said when He ascended on high he led captivity captive"
"mean that Christ led captive souls from Hades to Heaven at this resurrection"
"Some have assumed that the words he led captivity captive [Ps 68:18]"
"Divine Authority Of Ministry Gifts Ministrygifts Bear the Authority of Christ"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Praise"
"to sit with Him in the conquerors chair to be a partaker of his authority over the enemy and all his power"
"For this reason He calls on us to share the spoils"
"The victory He won was on our behalf He was the representative man going forth as our substitute to defeat our enemy and win our victory"
"All that Christ did was not for *Himself but for us *It was in our name that He died *In our name He was buried and rose again"
"This is the marvel [amazing thing] of divine grace!"
"We had no part in His suffering or his victory except for the grace of God which placed us in His son"
"He shares the spoils with those who fought the battle with Him. But we were not there!"
"The spoils are shared with none other than those who by faith have publicly confessed Jesus as their Lord [Rom 10:9
"But with whom does he share the fruits of victory? Not with the angels for they have no part in the battle"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray"
"defeated by the one who achieved the victory at so great a price"
"Satan and his hosts of demons and all their destructive works are bound by the cords of Christs bloodbought authority"
"in the myriads to welcome the victorious warrior back to heavens throne"
"The angels of heaven baffled by the mysteries of his redemptive work gathered"
"behold I am alive for ever more Amen and have the keys of hell and death [Rev 1:18]"
"who shed his blood in death but rose again saying ..I am he that liveth and was dead and"
"All this is applied to our warriorking Jesus Christ who ventured forth into the enemy territory of sin sickness and curse of death itself"
"He distributes these gifts to those whom he has called to his service"
"He now shares that victory with men by means of the ministrygifts"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Lord"
"and by his rising again with the keys of death and hell that Christ gained victory"
"Thus it was by his death and burial and by his invasion of Satans domain"
"He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens that he might foil [frustrate] all things!"
"Now that He descended first into the lower parts of the earth?"
"Therefore it says when he ascended on high he led a host of captives and he gave gifts to men"
"Now these ministrygifts were won for us at Calvary. This is what we read in [Ephesians 4:3-10]"
"Divine Authority Of Ministry Gifts
"and his bloodbought victory enforced over Satan and all his evil power"
"These gifts of ministry represent the full or bed ministry of Christ Himself that His works might be continued"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God TeamJesus"
"nature and each is the impartation of divine embalmment by the living Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit"
"local churches While these gifts overlap and fit together with one another each is distinct in its own"
"one gift Whether one gift or two closely allied gifts these ministries are effective in shepherding and instructing"

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

"God will raise up another people if we do not come together in unity and love"
"immaturity and divisive tendencies [making idols of our denominations]"
"we will see God lift His blessing completely from the churches God will by-pass us and start over again unless we repent of our carnality"
"Unless we reject this trend and repent of this denominational-zing of the revival movement,"
"Please read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Praise"
"because leaders are afraid to have their people ministered to outside their denomination"
"Of late, that is not happening much. The walls of separation are being raised again and alienation of believers is taking place"
"In those gatherings the people met in neutral locations and God poured out His Spirit in showers of blessings"
"it was characterized by Protestant and Catholic people coming together"
"God Blesses When There Is Unity Recognize that His banner over us is love"
"When God began a fresh outpouring of His Spirit in 1966
"that are being conducted under the guidance of good leadership you will find the presence and favor of God"
"When you go to meetings where the people come together from many church groups"
"Whenever you find Gods flock gathered together in one place you will find Gods blessing upon them"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Praise"
"God Blesses When There Is Unity Recognize Gods claim on the sheep"
"in recognition of Gods claim upon them you will not see the water poured out"
"Until all the flocks are gathered together by the undershepherds,"
"Leaders would do well to do the same"
"Rachel kept her fathers sheep. Even though she was a shepherdess she recognized that the sheep belonged to her father"
"To follow the allegory [figurative] they are not recognizing Labans [the fathers] claim to the sheep"
"They are claiming the sheep for themselves"
"Do you know what is keeping Gods sheep from being watered? The undershepherds are not bringing the flock together"
"They said that the flocks first had to be gathered together before they could be watered"
"They said that the flocks first had to be gathered together before they could be watered"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray"
"Jacob then offered to help with the watering"
"Laban who were tending the sheep which belonged to their father"
"This is the story of Jacobs first journey when he encounters the shepherds and daughters of"
"As this conversation was going on Rachel arrived with her fathers sheep for she was a shepherdess [Gen 29: 4
"and begin watering until all the flocks and shepherds are gathered here, they replied"
"Theyll be hungry if you stop so early in the day! We dont roll away the stone [covering the well]"
"Look there comes his daughter Rachel with the sheep.Why dont you water the flocks so they can get back to grazing? Jacob asked"
"Do you know a fellow there named Laban the grandson of Nahor? We sure do. How is he?
"Jacob went over to the shepherds and asked them where they lived. "At Haran
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Lord"
"In Genesis we read the story of Jacob and his first meeting with Rachel Labans daughter"
"The flock must be gathered together to"
"The Lord Jesus is the Chief Shepherd and we are his sheep ..Remember we are to avoid those who claim the sheep as their own"
"Satan Tempts Leaders We are Gods sheep"
"Paul rebukes this propensity [tendency] in men which seeks a prideful identity with leaders He calls it carnality and immaturity"
"So then neither is he that plants anything neither he that waters but God that gives the increase [1 Cori 3: 2
"Who then is Paul and who is Apollos but ministries by whom you believed even as the Lord gave to every man?"
"For while one says I am of Paul and another I am of Apollos are you not carnal?"
"Are you not carnal and walk as men?"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God TeamJesus"
"For you are yet carnal for whereas there is among you *envying and *strife and *divisions,"
"for hitherto[so far] you were not able to bear it neither yet now are you able"
"Paul says to this church in Corinth ..I have fed you with milk and not with meat;"
"Its a sad commentary on the spiritual immaturity of anyone who would leave Christ to follow undershepherds"

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

"Every true shepherd gathers the false shepherd *Scatters *Creates confusion *Division and Reaction"
"behold I will visit upon you the evil of your doings says the Lord [Jeremiah 23: 1, 2]"
"Ye have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not visited them;"
"Thus says the Lord God of Israel against the shepherds [Pastors] that feed my people"
"Please read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Praise"
"This is what the Lord says of them ..Woe be unto the shepherds [Pastors] that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture
"Now on the other hand there are bad leaders who scatter the flock"
"Satan Tempts Leaders Wicked Leaders scatter the flock"
"Do they gather or scatter the flock? Godly Leaders Gather The Flock"
"Satan Tempts Leaders Lust for women [Adultery]"
"Jesus Established Qualifications Satan Tempts Leaders"
"Thats whats meant by gentle leadership Thats the kind of shepherd who will gather the flock"
"Leadership should not quench them Leaders should fan the smoking flax This will turn it into a burning flame"
"There are many sincere people who are struggling to express their gifts They are like smoking flax"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Praise"
"Jesus works with our feeble [weak] efforts in Ministry to bring them into full maturity"
"flax [which typifies sincere effort] until it began to burn brightly and clearly in truth and purity"
"If he saw one who was struggling to get a ministry going he would come along and fan the smoking"
"Why? He was a gentle shepherd If he saw someone who was bruised he would heal him not break him"
"Satan Tempts Leaders Lust for power [Pride]"
"It was said of our Lord Jesus A bruised reed ..weak person.. shall he not break and the smoking flax shall he not quench
"in order to encourage and lift them up and help them become strong"
"Gentleness is the capacity to identify and empathize with those who are weak and needy"
"Gentleness and meekness are not weakness"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray"
"David the great shepherd of Israel said Thy gentleness hath made me great Ps 18:35"
"Gods true leaders are gentle people"
"Take notice the main attitude of those who gather is gentleness"
"God wants us to follow those leaders who are devoted to gathering the flock"
"Satan Tempts Leaders Lust for position"
"Thats the picture of the true shepherd one who will gather the lambs"
"He shall GATHER the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom and shall GENTLY LEAD those that are with young Isa 40:10-11"
"Godly Leaders Gather the Flock ..Behold the Lord God will come with strong hand He shall feed his flock like a shepherd"
"Do they gather or scatter the flock? Follow the leaders who gather the flock Avoid leaders who scatter the flock"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Lord"
"I exhort ..urge.. therefore that first of all supplications prayers intercessions be made for all that are in authority
"Were instructed to pray for ALL in authority This includes spiritual as well as secular leaders"
"This fact underscores the need to cover the leadership with much prayer and intercession"
"Satan will come in through the open door of false or impure motives and take a leader captive"
"Satan Tempts Leaders Lust for money [Covetousness]"
"Then he should allow the Holy Spirit to shed light on areas that need repentance Victory over these temptations will be the result"
"A leader should regularly carefully and prayerfully examine his motives"
"It is only the grace of God that keeps leaders from falling prey to one or more of these sins"
"Lust for money [Covetousness] Lust for position Lust for power [Pride] and Lust for women [Adultery]"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God TeamJesus"
"i. Lust for money [Covetousness] ii. Lust for position iii. Lust for power [Pride]; and iv. Lust for women [Adultery]"
"But we would be remiss [careless] if we did not point out that Satan tempts leadership with four things:-"
"Satan Tempts Leaders These things are difficult to say"
"The ox must tread out more than he consumes or the corn grower will go out of business"
"However if an ox is eating everything he treads out muzzling him or getting another ox might be the farmers only alternative"

Monday, 25 April 2011

"Those leaders who feed their flocks are the ones we want to follow"
"and they shall fear no more nor be dismayed neither shall they be lacking saith the Lord Jer 23:34"
"and they shall fear no more nor be dismayed neither shall they be lacking saith the Lord Jer 23:34"
"and they shall be fruitful and increase And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them;"
"and they shall be fruitful and increase And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them;"
"#Godly Leaders Feed The Flock" -
"#Godly Leaders Feed The Flock" -
"God continues His promise And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them"
"God continues His promise And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them"
"If you are truly a church leader after Gods heart you will be concerned first of all with feeding the flock"
"If you are truly a church leader after Gods heart you will be concerned first of all with feeding the flock"
"which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding Jer 3:15"
"which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding Jer 3:15"
"Jeremiah knew that God had promised
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Praise"
"GODLY LEADERS FEED THE FLOCK Jeremiah was a prophet to church leaders"
"Godly Leaders Feed The Flock" -
"A good leader is concerned about FEEDING the flock A bad leader is concerned about FLEECING the flock"
"b. Do they feed or fleece the flock?"
"How To Tell Godly Leaders From Wicked Leaders Feeding or Fleecing the Flock?"
"Dont follow the leadership that is reaching for authority seeking to dominate those around them"
"We have an option to follow good leadership and to reject evil leaders"
"John commends Demetrius as a leader worthy of following. Demetrius hath good report of all men and of the truth itself
"God always provides us with a choice of leadership in the Body of Christ"
"I invite you to read atleast one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray"
"ii Demetrius Good Leader God always provides us with a choice of leadership in the Body of Christ"
"One of the ways God disciplines an erring leader is when the people stop following"
"Ask God to deal with him and bring him to repentance"
"How To Tell Godly Leaders From Wicked Leaders The Diotrephes spirit!"
"When a leader starts grasping for authority quit following and he will lose his leadership"
"You are under no obligation to follow an evil leader"
"What does John tell the Christians to do about this? BELOVED FOLLOW NOT THAT WHICH IS EVIL but that which is good
"If you violate their restrictions on who you can have fellowship with this kind of leader will try to excommunicate you from the church"
"This is the spirit that wont receive other brethren"
"If a leader tells you that you cannot have fellowship with anyone outside your church you have encountered the Diotrephes spirit!"
"or to lessen our commitment to support the whole Body of Christ we can follow them"
"or to lessen our commitment to support the whole Body of Christ we can follow them"
"We also owe loyalty to our church leaders. If they are not asking us to disobey God or His Word,"
"How To Tell Godly Leaders From Wicked Leaders b. Do they feed or fleece the flock?"
"After that we owe loyalty to all born again believers whether they be found in Catholic Protestant or Pentecostal Churches"
"and were told that you would be disloyal if you did? Remember our first loyalty belongs to God and His word The Bible"
"Have you ever been forbidden to have fellowship with some of Gods people in another church"
"and not being content therewith neither doth he himself receive the brethren and forbids them that would
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God TeamJesus"
"So John warns Wherefore if I come I will remember his deeds which he doeth speaking against us with malicious words"
"Here was a leader who was reaching for authority because of the prestige that went with it"
"The Apostle John said I wrote unto the Church but Diotrephes who loveth to have the preeminence wont receive us"
"TWO EXAMPLES i. Diotrephes Bad Leaders ii. Demetrius Good Leader"
"How To Tell Godly Leaders From Wicked Leaders ii. Demetrius Good Leader"

Sunday, 24 April 2011

"A Church Or Nation Rises Or Falls By Leaders Praise Jesus"
"The other ten refused to believe that God would do what He had promised"
"Of the twelve leaders only Joshua and Caleb came back with a good report"
"Please read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Praise"
"A leader was chosen from each of the twelve tribes to go in to spy out the Promised Land and bring back a report Num 13:2-17"
"Why? Because of the leadership"
"A fastwalking person could easily travel from Egypt to the Promised Land in a weekbut it took them forty years"
"Nothing Should Be Added To Christ痴 Work On The Cross Jesus Lord King"
"When God called them out of Egypt He intended them to enter Canaan forty days later"
"A Church Or Nation Rises Or Falls By Leaders Jesus is Lord"
"It was the leadership that kept the people out of the Promised Land"
"Israel Condemned to Wandering Do you remember Israel in the wilderness?"
"They must first eat the fruit of which they want the people to partake"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Praise"
"Nothing Should Be Added To Christ
"This means that before church leaders call the people to pray they must be dedicated"
"In discussing leadership responsibility with Timothy Paul wrote The farmer must be the first to eat the fruit of the raises 2Tim 2:6"
"A Church Or Nation Rises Or Falls By Leaders Moses God"
"The leadership role is given you by God to set the example for the people to follow"
"Church leader Most people will not develop beyond the level of your spiritual maturity"
"Problems With Human Authority " -
"A Church Or Nation Rises Or Falls By Leaders Moses"
"You will rise or fall depending on the leadership you follow"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray"
"The leadership you follow is going to govern what you are and who you are"
"Nothing Should Be Added To Christ
"They had mistreated the people and brought destruction on the land"
"God was speaking through the prophet about the religious leadership of the nation of Israel"
"the whole land is made desolate because no man lays it to heart Jer 12:10, 11"
"They have made it desolate and being desolate it mourns mourneth unto me,"
"they have trodden my position under foot they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness"
"The Prophet Jeremiah pointed out Many shepherds Church leaders have destroyed my vineyard"
"A Church Or Nation Rises Or Falls By Leaders" -
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Lord"
"Since God holds all of us accountable we need to be aware of our obligation to discern proper leadership that is worthy of our following"
"Nothing Should Be Added To Christs Work On The Cross Jesus"
"I am as responsible as he for thinking I can purchase Gods gifts for money Acts 8:18-23"
"If I accept some church leaders offer to pray for me provided I give him an offering of money"
"God not only condemns those who sell in the temple but also those who buy"
"God disciplines his people for following false leaders"
"God doesnt hold just the leadership responsible He also holds those who love to have it so responsible"
"Notice that the problem is twofold. It is a problem of LEADERSHIP Prophet and Priest and the PEOPLE"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God TeamJesus"
"The prophets prophesy falsely and the priests bear rule by doing what they prophesy and my people love to have it so Jer 5:31"
"Isaiah said And it shall be as with the people so with the Priest
"The people who did not accept and follow the God ordained leadership ended up with profligate and foolish leaders"
"The Old Testament bears this out"
"LEADERS WORTHY OF FOLLOWING A nation or church will invariably end up with the kind of leadership it deserves"
"He will tell you where to go and what to do and then you wont always be doing the wrong things

Saturday, 23 April 2011

"Problems With Human Authority Where do problems begin? Jesus"
"Nor does God give anyone the right to abridge another mans conscience or to ask anyone unquestioned obedience"
"than that of a High Priest or Apostle. God does not give any one authority greater than the Scriptures or equal to himself"
"By his actions in this story Paul clearly illustrates that the authority of the Scripture was a higher authority"
"neither the apostles nor the High Priests authority was equal to the authority of the Word of God"
"Even though the High Priest was on a high level of authority in the courtroom,"
"The Apostle was subject to the Scripture"
"Because the Scripture told him not to [
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray"
"However.. when Paul was told that he was speaking to the High Priest..he immediately apologized. Why?"
"In this .. Paul was right.. for the scriptures have more authority than religious.. political or military official"
"Pauls smiting was contrary to what the Bible said concerning the conduct of judges"
"Paul not knowing Ananias was a High Priest reacted by calling him a [whitewashed tomb] and appealed to the scriptures for redress"
"and ordered Paul to be hit in the mouth ... a gesture of censorship"
"Lets carefully examine this event. Paul was testifying. The High Priest Ananias became incensed"
"Problems With Human Authority Where do problems begin? Jesus Veracious Authority"
"Paul made it clear that he also [as an Apostle] was subject to the scripture"
"POINT TWO By his apology to the high priest [based on the scriptural admonition],"
"for it is written Thou shall not speak evil of the ruler of thy people] [Acts 23:4, 5]"
"Then Paul [apologized and] said I knew not brethren that he was the High Priest;"
"had more authority than he had as a judge. [And they that stood by said Revilest though Gods High Priest?]"
"POINT ONE Paul appealed to the authority of the scripture in this situation by letting Ananias know that the scriptures"
"and command me to be smitten contrary to the law. [Acts 23:1-3]"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You.*Let us focus on Jesus God Lord"
"Then said Paul into him [God shall smite you .. you whitewashed tomb.. for you sit to judge me after the law,"
"And the High Priest Ananias commanded them that stood by him on the mouth"
"Paul earnestly beholding the council said [Men and brethren I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day]"
"Heres the story ... Paul is defending himself in Jerusalem against accusations of certain Jewish religious leaders"
"This point is dramatically illustrated in the confrontation between Ananias the High Priest and Paul the Apostle"
"Problems With Human Authority Where do problems begin? Jesus"
"Jesus made this fact clear when he said [
"The Bible is the ultimate authority of faith and practice"
"Jesus clearly states that we are His disciples [only] if we continue in his word"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily*May Jesus bless You.Let us focus on Jesus God TeamJesus"
"We are never to take a religious political or military leader and ascribe to him sovereign or veracious authority"
"We are to subject ourselves to God and His word"
"Jesus said [if ye continue in my word then ye my disciples [John 8:31]"
"It is clear from scripture that God will not allow His sovereign authority to be usurped"
"This attitude is dangerous at any time but doubly so when it infects Gods people and church leadership"
"It isso easy for Church leaders to [play God] by doing only that which appears right intheir own eyes and claiming the authority to doso"
"thus making themselves equal or greater than God and His word trouble is sure to follow"
"If men elevate their limited authority to the level of total unquestionable authority,"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on *Jesus"
"and lift it to the level of sovereign or veracious authority, or the authority of the conscience"
"Problems are sure to follow if we take delegated, stipulative, custom or functional authority"
"It may be a failure to understand authority and its role"
"Why do we often have only an uneasy truce between family members instead of lasting peace in some homes and churches?"
"What happens to cause the chaotic conditions?"

Friday, 22 April 2011

"He appoints church leaders to work in his place as his agents in shepherdlike authority which arises out of the responsibility assumed"
"God operates in this way"
"the church leader was acting as an [agent] of that organization Not only was he liable but the organization as well"
"The court ruled that the denomination had to pay because in the view of the court,"
"He was the driver of the vehicle Not only was the church leader sued but also the denomination to which he belonged"
"Some years ago a church leader was involved in a serious traffic accident in which several people were critically injured"
"Perhaps this can be best explained by an example of [agency law]"
"They are agents representing Christs concern for his church and its spiritual and moral development"
"Church leaders only act in delegated responsibility in a given situation the same way Christ would were He physically present."
"[Instead of Christ being here] says Paul [I am here representing him I am his agent]"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray"
"practical everyday relationship where people can become responsible for each others needs"
"One of the reasons God has established local church congregations is this it provides a context for the development of working,"
"Spiritual leadership functions as Gods representatives as Ambassadors for Christ we beseech you on behalf of Christ [2Chr 5:20]"
"Authority never extends beyond responsibility it goes as far as responsibility and no further"
"i]Delegated authority neverextends beyondones responsibilityand ii]It never proceeds outof anything otherthan responsibility"
"For example because you have responsibility for your wife and children you have authority in your home"
"When a shepherd takes responsibility for the flock he is given the authority to feed,"
"visit defend protect care for and lovingly discipline Gods sheep"
"feeding and loving reproof for they must give account for your souls to the Chief Shepherd Jesus]"
"In the Biblical sense a shepherd is onewho lays down his life forthe sheep one who is totally dedicated to serving protecting and feeding"
"Hebrews 13:17 should be translated then [follow them that exercise shepherdlike leadership and submit to their care,"
"[protects cares for loves and feeds] [the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep [John 10:11]"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Lord"
"A shepherd is not one who [rules] but rather one who"
"Rather it means to give [shepherdlike leadership] to others"
"[Obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves for they watch for your souls] [Heb 13:17]"
"prophet evangelist pastor and teacher [Eph 4:11]"
"The Apostle Paul gives us this instruction regarding our submission to the five ministrygifts of apostle"
"These are i} Delegated Authority 2} Stipulative Authority 3} Authority of Custom or Tradition 4} Functional authority"
"When properly used these will bring forth righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit"
"FOUR LEVELS OF AUTHORITY GIVEN TO MANKIND The four levels of authority reserved for mankind are described in what follows"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God TeamJesus"
"He warns us to be careful when we eat not to violate the conscience of"
"An example In Bible times there were many religious convictions about certain types of food"
"The Apostle Paul established the authority of the conscience in his writings"
"An article a Day at will help you focus on Jesus God Lord"
"Now knowing what we dont want other people to do to us and knowing what we shouldnt do to them is what the Bible calls CONSCIENCE"
"In this way everyones right to life peace pursuit of happiness is preserved"
"Therefore when we live our lives according to the Ten Commandments we are preserving life ours and others"
"The only thing that God has asked us not to do is that which is going to hurt either us or someone else"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus"
"This is the simple principle on which the Ten Commandments in the Bible are based"
"We know what we dont want people to do to us and thus we know what we shouldnt do to other people"
"Thus we all know right from wrong even if we didnt have a Bible to tell us"
"We do not want to be murdered nor our wife or daughter raped or our children committing fornication or adultery"
"We do not want someone to break into our homes and steal all of our goods"
"We all know what we do NOT want other people to do to us We do not want other people to take unfair advantage of us"
"However everyone of normal mental capacity knows right from wrong everyone! How is that possible?"

Thursday, 21 April 2011

"i]Delegated authority neverextends beyondones responsibilityand ii]It never proceeds outof anything otherthan responsibility"
"LIMITS OF DELEGATED AUTHORITY The key to understanding the limits of delegated authority is this:-"
"feeding and loving reproof for they must give account for your souls to the Chief Shepherd Jesus]"
"Hebrews 13:17 should be translated then [follow them that exercise shepherdlike leadership and submit to their care,"
"[protects cares for loves and feeds] [the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep [John 10:11]"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Lord"
"A shepherd is not one who [rules] but rather one who"
"In the Biblical sense a shepherd is onewho lays down his life forthe sheep one who is totally dedicated to serving protecting and feeding"
"Rather it means to give [shepherdlike leadership] to others"
"The word [rule] does not mean spiritual leaders are to reign as ruthless dictators that is forcing their will on others"
"[Obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves for they watch for your souls] [Heb 13:17]"
"prophet evangelist pastor and teacher [Eph 4:11]"
"The Apostle Paul gives us this instruction regarding our submission to the five ministrygifts of apostle"
"These are i} Delegated Authority 2} Stipulative Authority 3} Authority of Custom or Tradition 4} Functional authority"
"When properly used these will bring forth righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit"
"FOUR LEVELS OF AUTHORITY GIVEN TO MANKIND The four levels of authority reserved for mankind are described in what follows"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God TeamJesus"
"He warns us to be careful when we eat not to violate the conscience of"
"An example In Bible times there were many religious convictions about certain types of food"
"The Apostle Paul established the authority of the conscience in his writings"
"An article a Day at will help you focus on Jesus God Lord"
"Now knowing what we dont want other people to do to us and knowing what we shouldnt do to them is what the Bible calls CONSCIENCE"
"In this way everyones right to life peace pursuit of happiness is preserved"
"Therefore when we live our lives according to the Ten Commandments we are preserving life ours and others"
"The only thing that God has asked us not to do is that which is going to hurt either us or someone else"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus"
"This is the simple principle on which the Ten Commandments in the Bible are based"
"We know what we dont want people to do to us and thus we know what we shouldnt do to other people"
"Thus we all know right from wrong even if we didnt have a Bible to tell us"
"We do not want to be murdered nor our wife or daughter raped or our children committing fornication or adultery"
"We do not want someone to break into our homes and steal all of our goods"
"We all know what we do NOT want other people to do to us We do not want other people to take unfair advantage of us"
"However everyone of normal mental capacity knows right from wrong everyone! How is that possible?"

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

"Some have argued that it is not possible to know what is right from wrong"
"3} THE AUTHORITY OF CONSCIENCE The third level of authority the Bible teaches us about is the authority of Conscience"
"This is a level above human authority"
"do we have evidence that church leaders [or any other human being] spoke with veracious authority"
"Nowhere in the Bible or teaching of the early church fathers"
"We are never to believe or practice anything contrary to the scriptures the Word of God"
"Every believer is obligated to search the scriptures to find out if what the Church leaders teach is according to the scriptures"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God"
"This places the Bible above every human authority whether it be religious political or military"
God has given us a book inspired by the Holy Spirit called the Bible
we know that he inspired or breathed forth through men what we call the scriptures [the Bible].
Consequently when we look at the work of the Holy Spirit in relation to bringing Gods truth to men
"[All scripture is given by inspiration of God [Greek = theoprieustos meaning [divinely breathed in]] [2Tim 3:16]"
"That which He breathed through men became an expression of our Lord in inscriptured authority"
"These men recorded Gods words for us"
"The Use And Abuse Of Authority Lord of Lords"
"God breathed into them His words These [holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost] [2Pet 1:21]"