
Monday, 28 March 2011

"This same tense is used by Jesus in [Matthew 4:4]"
"Note the use of the present continuous tense [saith] meaning [to hear what the spirit says and continues to say]"
"Every sinner experiences the lepers anointing when he is born again of the spirit [John 3:5-6]" -
"[he that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit Saith unto the churches]"
"The seven times repeated warning in [Rev2 and 3] is for us to heed in this day"
"We need to open our hearts to receive the word of the Lord not only from the Bible but through the other channels by which God speaks"
"All such experience must be judged by and agree with the Holy Scriptures"
"God never speaks to us in any subjective experience in contradiction to His written word"
"God still speaks today by the Holy Spirit *Through His written word *Through His anointed servants"
"We need to know the distinction between them in order to further understand what is meant by hearing the word of the Lord"
"We exercise prophetic, priestly and kingly rights only by virtue of anointing" -
RT @simplydee1: "How To Commit Your Life To Christ Find Jesus."
"The Holy Spirit Jesus TeamJesus God" -
"What we do with it determines whether it grows or stays a seed"
"This same tremendous potential is locked up in the seed of faith which God has dealt to every man (GIVEN)"
"it will eventually produce thousands of bushels of wheat"
"However given the right conditions it will not only grow but through the replanting of each successive harvest"
"The natural law of growth teaches us spiritual things A grain of wheat in the wrong environment will never grow"
"His tomb was discovered completely intact in 1922 by an English archeologist Inside among its treasures was found Honey Wheat and Corn"
"Abbreviation for King Tutank Hamon was a famous Egyptian Pharaoh buried about 1357 BC in an extremely elaborate Pyramid grave"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray"
"The principle of growing faith can be illustrated in a story of King Tuts tomb"
"faith in your life. Developed faith will bring an increase of Gods glory resting on your life and ministry"
"A scriptural percept to remember is this you will know the glory of God in your life only in proportion to the development of faith"
"We must now discover how faith can grow in the life of the believer We go [or grow] From [faith to faith] and [glory to glory]"
"Share Jesus without Fear" -
"Please RT any message that you feel would help a friend RT"
"You must let Jesus baptize you in the Holy Spirit" -
"#All these messages can be found at take time to read them"
"known a sudden gift or [impartation] of faith on some singular occasion your faith development might still be at the 5% level"
"On the other hand if your faith has not progressively grown but you have only"
"it grows to 75% faith then you can deal with any situation that you encounter up to 75% faith"
"Developed faith is the developed faith in you In developed faith if you start with 5% faith"
"Gift of faith is the [gift of faith] mentioned in [1Cor 12:9] This is the sovereign impartation of a gift of faith from God to you"
"Godly Leaders Feed The Flock" -