
Wednesday, 29 June 2011

RT "Every great man of God endured a fiery trial as a result of hearing instructions from God. "
RT "Trouble Tests Our Faith In Gods Word Every word of God is purified"
RT "then go to battle for them and resist the devil {He will flee from you} [James 4:7]"
RT "{iii} If it is an attack of Satan ..fight! ..If it is a Satanic attack beyond Gods will,"
RT "{ii} If it is selfinduced learn..If it is selfinduced [Trouble] try to help them learn from the problems they have brought on themselves
RT "Response to trials {i} If it is Gods dealings submi ..If it is Gods dealings help them to {submit [themselves] to God [James 4:7]"
RT "{ii} Self induced trouble they have brought on themselves {iii} Attacks of Satan not within Gods will"
RT "When people come crying to us in the midst of an ordeal let us pray for great wisdom to discern whether this is {i} Dealings of God"
RT Any ill timed or misdirected effort made in such circumstances will bring about a miscarriage of Gods dealings
RT "Were we to let them suffer a while and learn the lesson God is trying to teach them it would be better for them and the church"
RT "We feel sorry for them and try to help them out only to discover that they fall back into the same problem again a short while later"
RT "We church leaders are guilty of the same thing We see brethren wrestling with difficulty"
RT "When a fiery trial comes we must not only embrace it we must endure and persevere in it"
RT "This means we cannot speed up the process Fiery ordeals do not produce instant results"
RT "Notice {….perseverance must finish its work so you may be mature}"
RT "James teaches us that rather than try to escape the fiery ordeals that come we should joyfully embrace them"
RT "Many leaders seem to become {escape artists} when obedience to Gods will requires suffering or trials"
RT "Trials of many kinds because you know the testing of your faith develops perseverance"
RT "Trials produce perseverance and maturity Consider it pure joy my brothers whenever you face"
RT "New Testament rules of grace decree children born out of wedlock are treated the same as anyone else}"
RT "Let us then joyfully embrace the Lords discipline For by this we know we are sons and not bastards"
RT @yesumob: "If God used painful suffering to perfect Jesus how much more will He use trouble in our lives?"
RT @yesumob: "I have often wished there were a way to gain without pain a way to learn without suffering and chastisement ...but there isnt"
RT @yesumob: "keep on doing what is right and trust yourself to God who made you for He will never fail you [1Peter 4:1,2,15,19]"
RT @yesumob: "So if you are suffering according to Gods will"
RT @yesumob: "For remember when your body suffers sin loses its power and you wont be spending the rest of your life chasing after evil desires"
RT @yesumob: "….then are ye bastards and not sons [Heb 12:6, 8]"
RT @yesumob: "Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth and scoureth every son whom he receiveth….if ye be without chastisement"
RT @yesumob: "Suffering teaches obedience {Though he were a son yet learned he the obedience by the things which he suffered} [Heb 5:8]"