
Saturday, 20 August 2011

RT @yesumob: "God does not measure our giving by the amount we give. He rewards according to what is left after we give"
The bible teachers us that we are to give willingly and cheerfully, from a spirit of generosity [Ex 25:2], [2nd Co 9:6-7] jesustweeters TeamJesus
*With Gods blessing on it 90 percent can purchase more than the 100 percent would, without His blessings] jesustweeters TeamJesus
Jesus Christ, our ultimate example, became poor in order to bless us [2nd Co 8:9] jesustweeters TeamJesus
Tithing and giving offering does not buy Gods blessings, but it does release blessings upon our lives. [Mal 3:10] jesustweeters TeamJesus
Faith Praise YESUmob: Hence giving and tithe should not be understood as old Testament law or a religious obligati...
Faith Praise YESUmob: Share Jesus without Fear Jesus TeamJesus God -
Faith Praise YESUmob: Jesus said we shall not neglect the tithe [Matt 23:23]
Faith Praise YESUmob: @martinschmaltz Amen. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Lord Grace
Faith Praise YESUmob: RT @rodneystack_me: @Evangelist_Dan: The name of the LORD is a strong tower! the righteous ...
Faith Praise YESUmob: RT @pastor1954: There are 2 things that must be. Jesus abides in us and we in Him, then ask...
Faith Praise YESUmob: RT @rodneystack_me: @Evangelist_Dan: The Lord says if we ask the Father for anything, in the...
RT @yesumob: "If we give, it will be given back to us proportionally to our giving" jesustweeters TeamJesus