
Wednesday, 30 March 2011

"For the three parts man to be whole each part has a special role or function to play in the well being of every person"
"*The soul relates inward to itself *The body relates outward to the world"
"Let us first study the three parts of man *The spirit relates upwards to God"
"There is a difference between spirit soul and body"
"These are the blessings which [our great salvation] provides for each one of us"
"He desires to bring life and power to our spirit restore our soul and bring healing to our bodies"
"The Holy Spirit wants every part of our beings to be safe sound and strong"
"Yes God wants to heal the broken and bruised parts of our lives"
"What hope and comfort Jesus words bring to the broken soul when he says [go in peace your faith has made you whole] [Luke 7:50 8:48]"
"#Sin can cause illness of spirit soul and body only God can heal these three different parts of our lives and make us whole again"
"#Sin damages us sin damages others often those we love"
"He desires wholeness in our spirit soul and body"
"#God wants us whole that is without *Mental illness *Emotional wounds or * physical sickness"
"[May your spirit soul and your body be safe sound and without blame] [1Ths 523]"
"Find the full messages at http://wwwyesumobcom Jesus God"
"The Word Of God Is Alive And Powerful" -
"the bible says that you will stop thinking in the past and start experiencing blessing on a daily basis"
"Learn to rest and trust in His word dont get anxious and perplexed or tense but pray and praise [Phil 4:6] make melody and not misery"
"Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord deliveres him out of them all"
"[Proverbs 11:8] the righteous is delivered out of trouble and it comes on the wicked"
"sow and then look for a harvest but also make sure you use good sound business practices and settle for nothing less than excellence"
"His words says we must give to receive we must sow to reap so if you are needing a breakthrough financially"
"Gods ways are so different from ours"
"So dont give up when you are discouraged He wants you to win and finish the course in great victory and joy"
"but through the word of God which came to him he rose up again and fulfilled his calling and destiny"
"[I kings 19:9] shows how Elijah the mighty prophet of God was so discouraged he had hid himself in a cave and desired to die"
"each day whether in the work place or in the house of worship"
"So if you want to succeed in your calling whether in business or ministry remember when you were born again you became the servant of God"
"What a change took place and it was Gods word that made a difference"
"from thinking of my inabilities to thinking of Gods abilities from my fear to His faith"
"but once I heard what God said it changed me from thinking weakness to strength"
"and unbelief were spoken over my life which rendered me inferior and intimidated"
"I heard how I could never be successful in business or achieve anything significant so many words of doubt"
"In [Proverbs 4:20-27] we are challenged to take seriously all Gods words and ponder"
"[Hebrew 2:1] give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard lest at anytime we should let them slip"
"[James 1:19] says [let every man be swift to hear slow to speak slow to wrath"
"Most of what we hear in the world today is negative and does not inspire faith or confidence to serve the Lord"
"We cannot fully appreciate how great an impact what we hear has on our daily walk"
"[Judges 612-16 ISAIAH 55:3 MARK 4:24] says that take heed of what you hear"
"Remember the very important first steps that Gideon took which defeated his discouragement was hearing and believing the word of God"
"but if we follow the steps that Gideon eventually took we will be successful in fulfilling this call"
"Whether we are called to the business world or that of full time ministry"
"Discouragement can delay and sometimes defeat the fulfilling of our God given destiny in life"
"he was radically changed and became part of the answer instead of being part of the problem"
"He appeared to lack vision of Gods call for his life and generation but after hearing and believing Gods word to him"
"Gideon had a negative image of himself and was settling for less than his potential"
"but to me its encouraging to discover that they were just like us"
"Many times we think that great bible characters like Gideon never faced the negative feelings thoughts or circumstances we face today"
"Note the distinction between the soulish man and the spiritual man"
"He cannot understand them because they can only be judged spiritually Only the Spiritual man can make such judgments [1 Corn 2:14-15]"