
Sunday, 23 October 2011

RT @yesumob: Jesus Christ Himself is the Wisdom of God and He gives His Spirit inside of those who follow Him.
RT @yesumob: If we get our guidance from the Holy Spirit of God, then we will never be without hope or direction.
RT @yesumob: "1John 1:9, {If we confess our sins, He (God) is Faithful and Righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness}" YESUmob: Confession (homologeo in Greek) suggests agreement with God concerning our sins YESUmob: @sharritiner Please understand that I am not willing to debate anymore. I preach Jesus ... YESUmob: No problems no more!: If you are in Christ, your problems disappear. The reason for tha... YESUmob: Wisdom for the moment: If we get our guidance from the Holy Spirit of God, then we will ...
RT @yesumob: "The better we know God, the more we can trust Him and the more we experience the reality of His love, grace and power"
RT @yesumob: "Theaverage Xstian fails toact asa child ofthe King or live asone who has been adopted into royalty from a state of poverty and illiteracy"
RT @yesumob: "The average Christian has allthe resources of God available, yethe lives in self-imposed spiritual poverty ona roller-coaster of emotions"
RT @yesumob:The average Christian professes to believe in God, yet he acts as though God either does not exist, or is unwilling to help him