
Tuesday, 28 June 2011 YESUmob: The Holy Spirit - YESUmob: For the Best Swimming Pools in Kenya, contact KSPools. The Unmatched Swimming *Pool B... YESUmob: RT Pls Experience Jesus Daily with One article at Grow in Chr... YESUmob: If God used painful suffering to perfect Jesus how much more will He use trouble in ou... YESUmob: We would prefer to enjoy an effective ministry without the suffering which makes it po...
RT @yesumob: "For remember when your body suffers sin loses its power and you wont be spending the rest of your life chasing after evil desires"
RT @yesumob: "Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth and scoureth every son whom he receiveth….if ye be without chastisement"
RT @yesumob: "Suffering teaches obedience {Though he were a son yet learned he the obedience by the things which he suffered} [Heb 5:8]"
RT @yesumob: "They have proven themselves worthy to be chosen and have stood faithful to the Lord even if it meant hazarding their lives for Him"
RT @yesumob: "Because we are graded in the furnace of application and few of us pass the test for leadership"
RT @yesumob: Let us then joyfully embrace the Lord’s discipline. For by this we know we are sons and not bastards.
RT @yesumob: "{Many are called but few are chosen} [Matt 20:16]. Why are a few chosen?"
RT @yesumob: "Through Gods grace great blessings come to those who give their lives for His service"
RT @yesumob: "My response to trials and frustrations is graded. God observes how I react to heavy pressure and difficult situations"
RT @yesumob: "Affliction separates the chosen from the called ..I have chosen thee in the {furnace of affliction} [Isa 48:10]"
RT @yesumob: "He is answering our prayer but not the way we thought he would"
RT @yesumob: "Because {tribulation develops patience} [Rom 5:3]"
RT @yesumob: "Rejoice in trials Only through humility and weakness can Gods power be manifest in our lives"
RT @yesumob: "If our pride needs to be pricked God will send along a messenger of Satan to make us weak so we will depend on Him"
RT @yesumob: "Depend on God Our discomfort is less important to God than our character"
RT @yesumob: "and difficulties for when I am weak then I am strong ..the less I have the more I depend on him} [2Cor 12:5, 7-10]"
RT @yesumob: "{…Since I know it is all for Christs good I am quite happy about {the thorn} and about insults and hardships persecutions"
RT @yesumob: "My power [strength] shows up best in weak people}"
RT @yesumob: "Pauls Experiences {I am going to boast only about how weak I am and how great God is to use such weakness for his glory}"
RT @yesumob: "When you ask for Gods power he responds {Do you really mean it?}"
RT @yesumob: "If you ask for Gods power in your life you must understand what is required to have it"
RT @yesumob: "from his experiences we can see how the Lords plan finally ended in good for he is full of tenderness and mercy [Joshua 5:10, 11]"
RT @yesumob: "Job became a recipient of the double portion because he proved himself Gods loyal friend even in severe times of test and trials"
RT @yesumob: "In the end God gave back to Job twice as much as he had before [Job 42:10]"
RT @yesumob: "Job said {though God slay me yet I will trust him} [Job 13:15]"
RT @yesumob: "Job {fell down upon the ground and worshipped} [Job 1:20]"
RT @yesumob: "When Satan had killed Jobs flocks herds and children and had destroyed all his property how did Job respond?"
RT @yesumob: "Because of Gods mercy to save us from pride He allows very hard times prior to great enlargement and blessings"
RT @yesumob: "He does it ….so you would never feel it was your own power and might that made you wealthy [great] [Deut 8:17]"
RT @yesumob: "He first takes them down into depths of discouragement into the quagmire of hopeless situation"
RT @yesumob: "When God plans to enlarge and bless a minister or a church"
RT @yesumob: "and that he might test thee to do thee good at thy latter end"