
Tuesday, 19 April 2011

"To do so is not only unscriptural but antiscriptural as we will show in further detail in later chapters"
"It should be noted that many churches claim sovereign authority for their potentates and leaders"
"There is no authority in the church to whom a Christian should give unquestioned obedience other than our Lord Jesus Christ"
"To him alone is given the place of absolute sovereign authority"
"Above every king He is King of Kings Above every lord He is Lord of Lords"
"In verse 16 He is described as having written on his robe the words [King of Kings and Lord of Lords]"
"In Revelation 19 the Holy Spirit underscores very clearly that Jesus Christ holds a unique place in the purpose of God"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God"
"He told us [Many shall come IN MY NAME [professing Christians] saying [I am Christ and shall deceive many] [Matt 24:5]"
"and church members from wrongfully submitting to human authority that we dedicate this teaching"
"It is to prevent church leaders from usurping unscriptural authority"
"authority and positions that the scripture reserves for God alone"
"Unfortunately history is replete with examples of religious and political leaders who appropriate to themselves pompous titles,"
"Unfortunately history is replete with examples of religious and political leaders who appropriate to themselves pompous titles,"
"These are Sovereign Authority Veracious Authority and the Authority of Conscience"
"These three levels of authority are reserved for God alone"
"Of the SEVEN levels of authority that are mentioned in the scripture THREE DO NOT pertain to man"
"and we have to choose to obey God rather than religious leaders [Acts 5:29]."
"It also implies that there are times when higher [divine] and lower [human] authority come in conflict"
"it is suggesting that there are legitimate levels of stratification of authority to which we are to submit ourselves"
"When the scriptures speak of HIGHER authorities,"
"The Truth will not bring you into bondage to some religious hierarchy that prevents Gods WILL being expressed in your life"
"The truth as [expressed] in Jesus is always liberating [Eph 4:21] It will set you free to be all the Lord wants you to be"
"It is the unscriptural concepts that we must boldly challenge"
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"These doctrines often go far beyond the scriptural concept of submission taught in the New Testament"
"Using this verse of scripture doctrine on submission has been developed by both Protestant and Catholic Groups"
"the authorities that are ordained by God"
"In Romans 13:1 we are instructed [Let every soul be subject to the HIGHER authorities for there is no authority but of God;"
"He was a church leader from America who demanded total submission to his edicts"
"The Jonestown Guyana mass suicide of over 900 followers of Jim Jones illustrates what can happen"
"As Biblical truths are carried to extremes by unbalanced application they can destroy lives"
"a subject which has brought endless confusion to many of Gods people"
"In this study we are going to look at the abuse of authority in the church"
"The Use And Abuse Of Authority Jesus Lord God"
"Five Principles Given To Moses How To Train Church Leaders"
"We will examine the five principles given to Moses In these we will find our solutions to the problems of clericalism"
"Without them you will fail as a church leader"
"Without these Moses would have failed"
"You will succeed in teambuilding if you follow the principles given to Moses by God and his fatherinlaw Jethro"
"Let the team help you with the work God has called you to do"
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"The solution to clericalism is to build a team Invest your time and resources in the team"
"Clericalism can only be solved by using the principles of multiplying ministry utilized by Jesus and the Apostle Paul in the New Testament"
"But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant] [Matt 20:27; 23:11] Those who stay true purpose of a church leader"
"[And whosoever will be chief among you let him be your servant"
"Clericalism is placing yourself OVER others instead of seeing yourself as the servant of others"
"Clericalism is trying to do the work God has called you to accomplish by yourself without the counsel or help of others"
"so shall it be easier for you and they shall bear the burden with you] [Exodus 18:13-22]"