
Friday, 9 September 2011

Never try to act on Gods word to somebody else You cannot imitate another mans faith jesustweeters TeamJesus
RT @yesumob: "Faith has not been released and cannot grow until it has been acted upon Each time you hear and act you take another step of faith"
RT @yesumob: "Faith comes grows and is demonstrated and expressed by hearing and then acting upon what you ve heard"
RT @yesumob: "[Romans 10:17] says [faith cometh by hearing the word of God [Greek – Rhema]]"
RT @yesumob: Looking for 10,000 Likes for The Manifestation and Demonstration Team |…via @causes
RT @yesumob: "The natural law of growth teaches us spiritual things A grain of wheat in the wrong environment will never grow"
You will know the glory of God in your life only in proportion to the development of faith jesustweeters TeamJesus
RT @yesumob: "We must now discover how faith can grow in the life of the believer We go [or grow] From [faith to faith] and [glory to glory]