
Sunday, 24 April 2011

"A Church Or Nation Rises Or Falls By Leaders Praise Jesus"
"The other ten refused to believe that God would do what He had promised"
"Of the twelve leaders only Joshua and Caleb came back with a good report"
"Please read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Praise"
"A leader was chosen from each of the twelve tribes to go in to spy out the Promised Land and bring back a report Num 13:2-17"
"Why? Because of the leadership"
"A fastwalking person could easily travel from Egypt to the Promised Land in a weekbut it took them forty years"
"Nothing Should Be Added To Christ痴 Work On The Cross Jesus Lord King"
"When God called them out of Egypt He intended them to enter Canaan forty days later"
"A Church Or Nation Rises Or Falls By Leaders Jesus is Lord"
"It was the leadership that kept the people out of the Promised Land"
"Israel Condemned to Wandering Do you remember Israel in the wilderness?"
"They must first eat the fruit of which they want the people to partake"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Praise"
"Nothing Should Be Added To Christ
"This means that before church leaders call the people to pray they must be dedicated"
"In discussing leadership responsibility with Timothy Paul wrote The farmer must be the first to eat the fruit of the raises 2Tim 2:6"
"A Church Or Nation Rises Or Falls By Leaders Moses God"
"The leadership role is given you by God to set the example for the people to follow"
"Church leader Most people will not develop beyond the level of your spiritual maturity"
"Problems With Human Authority " -
"A Church Or Nation Rises Or Falls By Leaders Moses"
"You will rise or fall depending on the leadership you follow"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray"
"The leadership you follow is going to govern what you are and who you are"
"Nothing Should Be Added To Christ
"They had mistreated the people and brought destruction on the land"
"God was speaking through the prophet about the religious leadership of the nation of Israel"
"the whole land is made desolate because no man lays it to heart Jer 12:10, 11"
"They have made it desolate and being desolate it mourns mourneth unto me,"
"they have trodden my position under foot they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness"
"The Prophet Jeremiah pointed out Many shepherds Church leaders have destroyed my vineyard"
"A Church Or Nation Rises Or Falls By Leaders" -
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Lord"
"Since God holds all of us accountable we need to be aware of our obligation to discern proper leadership that is worthy of our following"
"Nothing Should Be Added To Christs Work On The Cross Jesus"
"I am as responsible as he for thinking I can purchase Gods gifts for money Acts 8:18-23"
"If I accept some church leaders offer to pray for me provided I give him an offering of money"
"God not only condemns those who sell in the temple but also those who buy"
"God disciplines his people for following false leaders"
"God doesnt hold just the leadership responsible He also holds those who love to have it so responsible"
"Notice that the problem is twofold. It is a problem of LEADERSHIP Prophet and Priest and the PEOPLE"
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God TeamJesus"
"The prophets prophesy falsely and the priests bear rule by doing what they prophesy and my people love to have it so Jer 5:31"
"Isaiah said And it shall be as with the people so with the Priest
"The people who did not accept and follow the God ordained leadership ended up with profligate and foolish leaders"
"The Old Testament bears this out"
"LEADERS WORTHY OF FOLLOWING A nation or church will invariably end up with the kind of leadership it deserves"
"He will tell you where to go and what to do and then you wont always be doing the wrong things