
Tuesday, 11 October 2011

RT @yesumob: "If God used painful suffering to perfect Jesus how much more will He use trouble in our lives?"
RT @yesumob: It is written in John 1:1 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS God.
RT @yesumob: "For remember when your body suffers sin loses its power and you wont be spending the rest of your life chasing after evil desires"
RT @yesumob: "They have proven themselves worthy to be chosen and have stood faithful to the Lord even if it meant hazarding their lives for Him"
RT @yesumob: "Sufferings trials and tribulations mark the path of those in this company"
RT @yesumob: "Because we are graded in the furnace of application and few of us pass the test for leadership"
RT @yesumob: "{Many are called but few are chosen} [Matt 20:16]. Why are a few chosen?"
RT @yesumob: "Suffering teaches obedience {Though he were a son yet learned he the obedience by the things which he suffered} [Heb 5:8]" YESUmob: Dont let me hear of your suffering for murdering or stealing or YESUmob: making trouble or being a busybody and prying into other peoples affairs YESUmob: For remember when your body suffers sin loses its power and you wont be spending the res... YESUmob: The Team Friday 7th October 2011 warming up!: The Team Friday 7th O... YESUmob: but will be anxious to do the will of God
It is written in John 1:1 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS God."
They will categorically tell you that what God wanted to say, He has said in His word. Jesus Christ is the Word of God
So they don't seek Jesus because they believe they've got the word of God - and they will categorically tell you that what God wanted to say, He has said in His word.
The devil is so clever. Because now people believe that if they've got a Bible, they've got the word of God and they don't need Jesus.
Jesus Christ is the Word of God, My Friend, nobody else. The Bible is not the word of God.
It is written in John 1:1 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS God.
It is what people wrote regarding God,but it's not the word of God.Those people testified in the Bible that Jesus Christ is the Word of God.
That is what the Holy Scriptures are. It is what people wrote who had a meeting with God, who heard from God
It's not the word of God, My Friends. The Bible was written by men. It is the word of men who have met with God.
The Bible is the word of man. The devil has cleverly deceived people into thinking and saying that the Bible is the word of God.
RT @yesumob: The Team at Mitaboni Friday 7th.
RT @yesumob: Job became a recipient of the double portion because he proved himself Gods loyal friend even in severe times of test and trials
RT @yesumob: Check this video out -- Mitaboni Crusade… via @YouTube
RT @yesumob: "In the end God gave back to Job twice as much as he had before [Job 42:10]"
Jesus discovered that some followed Him {for the loaves and fishes} [that is for what they could get from Him not because they loved Him]
God wants to discover whether we serve Him because we love him or whether we serve Him for all the blessings He gives us jesustweeters
RT @yesumob: "Thou hast enlarged me when I was under pressure [Ps. 4:1]"
When everything is falling around us we are learning to stand on our Rock Jesus Christ jesustweeters TeamJesus
RT @yesumob: The Team - Leading the People of Mitaboni in Praising and Worshiping Our Lord Je...: The Te...
RT @yesumob: "In the end God gave back to Job twice as much as he had before [Job 42:10]"
RT @yesumob: "Job said {though God slay me yet I will trust him} [Job 13:15]"