
Thursday, 13 October 2011

RT @yesumob: "Sin separates us from the presence of God and it puts us into darkness because God is light"
RT @yesumob: "Now thanks be unto God, who always causeth us to triumph in Christ [2Cor 2:14]. Jesus"
RT @yesumob:The words of the Lord are pure [purified] words, as silver fired in a furnace on earth, purified seven times [Psalms 12:6]
RT @yesumob: Those whopass thetest are chosen tohear those comforting words "You've been faithful over little I'll make you ruler over much"
RT @yesumob: Pass or fail the test:- In the fires of affliction, some will fail and others will pass the test and be promoted.
RT @yesumob: God works through us:- God works most powerfully through us when we are being proven by times of trials, tests and tribulations
RT @yesumob: "i. Maturity and training:- Trials and tribulations can be the merciful hand of God seeking to mature, mould and train us."
RT @yesumob: "Recognize Gods hand in every trial that comes to you. Jesus"
RT @yesumob: "Godly Leaders Feed The Flock Jesus TeamJesus God" -