
Monday, 25 April 2011

"Those leaders who feed their flocks are the ones we want to follow"
"and they shall fear no more nor be dismayed neither shall they be lacking saith the Lord Jer 23:34"
"and they shall fear no more nor be dismayed neither shall they be lacking saith the Lord Jer 23:34"
"and they shall be fruitful and increase And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them;"
"and they shall be fruitful and increase And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them;"
"#Godly Leaders Feed The Flock" -
"#Godly Leaders Feed The Flock" -
"God continues His promise And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them"
"God continues His promise And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them"
"If you are truly a church leader after Gods heart you will be concerned first of all with feeding the flock"
"If you are truly a church leader after Gods heart you will be concerned first of all with feeding the flock"
"which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding Jer 3:15"
"which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding Jer 3:15"
"Jeremiah knew that God had promised
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Praise"
"GODLY LEADERS FEED THE FLOCK Jeremiah was a prophet to church leaders"
"Godly Leaders Feed The Flock" -
"A good leader is concerned about FEEDING the flock A bad leader is concerned about FLEECING the flock"
"b. Do they feed or fleece the flock?"
"How To Tell Godly Leaders From Wicked Leaders Feeding or Fleecing the Flock?"
"Dont follow the leadership that is reaching for authority seeking to dominate those around them"
"We have an option to follow good leadership and to reject evil leaders"
"John commends Demetrius as a leader worthy of following. Demetrius hath good report of all men and of the truth itself
"God always provides us with a choice of leadership in the Body of Christ"
"I invite you to read atleast one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God Pray"
"ii Demetrius Good Leader God always provides us with a choice of leadership in the Body of Christ"
"One of the ways God disciplines an erring leader is when the people stop following"
"Ask God to deal with him and bring him to repentance"
"How To Tell Godly Leaders From Wicked Leaders The Diotrephes spirit!"
"When a leader starts grasping for authority quit following and he will lose his leadership"
"You are under no obligation to follow an evil leader"
"What does John tell the Christians to do about this? BELOVED FOLLOW NOT THAT WHICH IS EVIL but that which is good
"If you violate their restrictions on who you can have fellowship with this kind of leader will try to excommunicate you from the church"
"This is the spirit that wont receive other brethren"
"If a leader tells you that you cannot have fellowship with anyone outside your church you have encountered the Diotrephes spirit!"
"or to lessen our commitment to support the whole Body of Christ we can follow them"
"or to lessen our commitment to support the whole Body of Christ we can follow them"
"We also owe loyalty to our church leaders. If they are not asking us to disobey God or His Word,"
"How To Tell Godly Leaders From Wicked Leaders b. Do they feed or fleece the flock?"
"After that we owe loyalty to all born again believers whether they be found in Catholic Protestant or Pentecostal Churches"
"and were told that you would be disloyal if you did? Remember our first loyalty belongs to God and His word The Bible"
"Have you ever been forbidden to have fellowship with some of Gods people in another church"
"and not being content therewith neither doth he himself receive the brethren and forbids them that would
"I invite you to read at least one article at Daily. May Jesus bless You. Let us focus on Jesus God TeamJesus"
"So John warns Wherefore if I come I will remember his deeds which he doeth speaking against us with malicious words"
"Here was a leader who was reaching for authority because of the prestige that went with it"
"The Apostle John said I wrote unto the Church but Diotrephes who loveth to have the preeminence wont receive us"
"TWO EXAMPLES i. Diotrephes Bad Leaders ii. Demetrius Good Leader"
"How To Tell Godly Leaders From Wicked Leaders ii. Demetrius Good Leader"