
Friday, 1 April 2011

"You feel renewed confidence inthe present power and reality ofyour prayers because youknow youre praying in the will andpleasure of God"
"Your spiritual expectations undergo a radical shift"
"When the merest ray of faith shines in your spirit the warmth of Gods truth infuses you and you want to cry Lord Please bless me"
"When the merest ray of faith shines in your spirit the warmth of Gods truth infuses you and you want to cry Lord Please bless me"
"Find the full messages at http://wwwyesumobcom Jesus Christ is Lord"
"Matthew 25:32-46 Mark 4:1-32 13:33-37 John 9:35-41 Jesus"
"Be with peace love joy and victory in the last few hours of your life on the earth than all the rest which you have"
"When you see many Christians have become more a part of the problem in the society than a part of the solution"
"Christians shouldabide by every wordof God because whenthey disobey or compromise they fall atthe slightest attempt ofSatan or his agents"
"Christians have been called out of darkness into Gods own marvelous light [They have been called to total separation in this world]"
"The Greatest Problem In Christian Life" -
"To get a response to any of your questions please mention @yesumob"
"Most Christians are not experiencing a life of joy and victory as taught in the Bible" -
"Nothing Should Be Added To Christ痴 Work On The Cross" -
"Satan operates through unbelievers in positions of leadership and authority to initiate anti-christian"
"Christians have been called out of darkness into Gods own marvelous light [They have been called to total separation in this world]"
"Christians shouldabide by every wordof God because whenthey disobey or compromise they fall atthe slightest attempt ofSatan or his agents"
"I say it again there is real hell and it is a terrible place prepared for Satan and his angels and the disobedient"
"There is real hell and real heaven No wonder when Jesus Christ was on earth he warned people about hell"
"O Lord your hand would be with me and that you would keep me from evil that I may not cause pain"
"Indescribable good still lies ahead for you and your family"
"into Gods presence and make things right whatever it takesDont squander even for a minute the miracle that I have started in your life"
"working in you at a higher level of fulfillment and then turning back I encourage you to rush back"
"It is the pain that comes from having once tasted the exhilaration of God"
"But I promise you that you will see a direct linkYou will know beyond doubt that God has opened Heavens store houses because you prayed"
"You say to me [It is too much! Hold some of your blessings back!]"
"with Gods graciousness that tears will stream down your face"
"The day will come and come repeatedly during your life that you will be so overwhelmed"
"influence spiraling ever outward and upward into a larger life for God"
"Lord please enlarge me! And so on You will find that you are steadily moving into wider spheres of blessings and"
"You dont reach the next level of blessings and stay there You begin again Lord bless me indeed"
"Read 1st Chronicles 4:9-10 Read Exodus 33:18 Read Exodus 34:6"
"Things started badly for a person no one had ever heard of He/she prayed an unusual one-sentence prayer Things ended extraordinarily well"
"O God and King of Kings expand my opportunities and my impact in such a way that I touch more lives for your glory Let me do more for you"
"Submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you [James 4:7]"
"And if Satan cast out satan he is divided against himself How shall then his kingdom stand? [Matthew 12:25-26]"
"Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand"
"That at the name of Jesus Christ every knee should bow and all things in Heaven and things on earth and things under the earth [Phil 2:10]"
"Casting all your care upon Him for He careth for you [Peter 5:7]"
"A mans heart deviseth his way but the Lord directeth his steps [Proverbs 16:9]"
"then please pray a simple prayer with a sincere heart"
"If you are not sure of your stand in life if you are not sure of heaven if death calls on you now"
"Satan is a liar and the father of lies I called him your enemy why not believe my words?"
"If Satan makes a promise to you or even makes you a gift know that that is his intention"
"Satan hates you and has devised various means of taking you to hell with him that you can testify from this testimony"
"[The thief cometh not but for to steal to kill and to destroyI have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly][Jn10:10]"
"That you release miracles At that moment heaven sends angels resources strength and the people you need"
"of Gods plans for this world which are beyond our ability to accomplish and plead with Him Lord use me give me more ministry for you"
"When you take little steps you dont need God Its when you trust yourself in the mainstream"
"When Elijah prayed for it to stop raining God directed the natural cycle of drought and rain"