
Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Yahuweh introduced Himself by name. That is significant because it is what one does when they are ...
RT @yesumob: Yahweh has lots of titles (God, Creator, Savior, Messiyah, and King of Kings), but the one He covets most is Father.
Yahweh not only wants us upright and moving, He wants us to journey with Him to the Promised Land. And more...
Yahuweh wants His people separated from the realm of deceptive, destructive, desolate, and damning ...
Yahweh Himself, saved us. It was the one job He did not delegate or even fulfill through an ordinary human ...
The Messiyah Yahshua was and is the diminished human manifestation of Yah. Yahshua is Yahweh reducing ...
So to live with Him, God magnifies us, making us ever more like Him. This in turn enables us to explore ...
While God can be almost anywhere He wants to be and can know almost everything He wants to know, Yahweh ...
Barak means “to kneel down.” Barak says that rather than us getting down on our knees to worship God, Yahweh...
God does not want to be worshiped. He does not want His family to bow down before Him. Barak, kneeling ...
God asks us to consider Him as our father, which is why He presents Himself getting down on His knees to ...
RT @yesumob: Those who accept Yahweh as their Father, those who love God, will be blessed and adored in return.
RT @yesumob: For love to exist, poor choices must exist.
RT @yesumob: God keeps His promises. If He says something is going to happen at a specific time, you can...

Monday, 30 January 2012

Throughout Scripture, Yahweh reinforces the notion that salvation is synonymous with sadaq/vindication, ...
God keeps His promises. If He says something is going to happen at a specific time, you can rely upon ...
“Noah did everything which God instructed him to do.” (Genesis 7:5) If we want to be saved, we may want ..
Yahweh’s first instruction to Abraham after asking him to come out of Babylon, was “walk with Me.” So, since...

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Indoctrinated by religion, and confused by Pauline Doctrine, you might actually think that the "Church" ...
"My people are destroyed and will perish on account of a lack of knowledge and corrupted information....
God wants man to love Him, or at the very least, respect and revere Him. This is the sole reason we were ...
There is nothing greater than being adopted into Yahweh’s family and inheriting all that is His.
Darkness isn’t the opposite of light; it is the absence of light. Satan isn’t the opposite of God; the ...
The Devil wants to conceal rather than reveal himself. He lurks in the shadows, behind the scenes, ...
We must make a choice - to choose God or the Adversary. Choice remains paramount to Yahuweh because it is the prerequisite of love.
There is only one God. His name is Yahuweh. He is our Creator, and our Father–at least for those who listen...
"Jesus" didn’t establish the religion of "Christianity," Paul did. Yahshua, the Word made flesh, ..
Most Christians view God’s Word backwards, from the end to the beginning, rather than from the beginning ....
Those deceived by religion have swallowed the substitution of Yahushua’s real name with the 17th-century...
RT @yesumob: Are you of the mindset that religious men and their traditions are more truthful and reliable ...
While it is customary to bow down before those who oppress and in front of those whom we have reason ...
It is inappropriate to cower before someone you love. Loving fathers want their sons and daughters to stand ...
Understanding is based upon being judgmental. To know the truth, to be free from error, to be acquitted ...
For those who may currently be misled by an out of context and errant of "judge not lest you be judged,"...
God wants us to test teachings and dogmas to determine that which are true and that which are not....
In this life we are given the choice between relying on ourselves, arrogantly thinking that we are ...
Yahweh is the Rock of our salvation, our Shelter, and our Creator. He is our Redeemer as well because ...
The purpose of Scriptural revelation is to segregate souls. We can choose either azab/separation or ...
God did not create man to worship Him. A loving God sought to be loved. So He knelt down next to us to ...

Friday, 27 January 2012

RT @yesumob: Outright lies seldom fool anyone. But when truth is twisted, when the counterfeit resembles the genuine article, it’s beguiling.
RT @yesumob: Evil leads us away from God and that in turn leads to death. Apart from God there is no life.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

RT @yesumob: “My people are destroyed and will perish as a result of a lack of knowledge and corrupted info...
RT @yesumob: Yahweh’s glorious gift and special reward is for those who search His Word for answers. ...
RT @yesumob: Love requires choice. It is the only thing that cannot be made, compelled, or purchased, making ...
RT @yesumob: Freewill is the primary, but not the only, prerequisite for a loving relationship. A person must..
RT @yesumob: True love requires us to be able to judge whether the potential object of our ....

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

RT @yesumob: The only way to break the cycle is to break the idols–all of them, especially religious and ...

Saturday, 21 January 2012

RT @yesumob: Apart from God we are a conniving lot, devious, destructive, self-serving, vicious, and cruel....
@yesumob YESUmob: The purpose of Scriptural revelation is to segregate souls. We can choose either azab/separation o...

Friday, 20 January 2012

RT @yesumob: Darkness isn’t the opposite of light; it is the absence of light. Satan isn’t the opposite of God;
RT @yesumob: Our 166th Swimming Pool! at the SMITH BAR & RESTAURANT

Thursday, 19 January 2012

RT @yesumob: Look for the evidence of God in your life.IF THERE is none, ASK him to prove himself to YOU! To you personally-NOT the Testimony of others!

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

RT @yesumob: Those who make no choice, those who have little regard for God, those who reject His gift,...
RT @yesumob: The souls of those who adore God and who accept Yahushua’s gift will live forever in Yahuweh’s...
RT @yesumob: He didn’t say that He was going to roast all who don’t adore Him and His chosen in hell....
RT @yesumob: Yahweh did not say that He was going to "curse" those who don’t love Him or His people ...
RT @yesumob: Yahweh did not say that He was going to "curse" those who don’t love Him or His people....

Saturday, 14 January 2012

RT @yesumob: God is committed to relationships, not religion.
RT @yesumob: Yahushua said: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." He did not say that He was a way, a variation of truth, or...

Thursday, 12 January 2012

RT @yesumob: Yahuweh manifest Himself in human form to save us, which is what Yahushua means.
RT @yesumob: Yada Yahweh may be the most unreligious book you will ever read. It will be like having a ...

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

RT @yesumob: One cannot love that which they fear.
RT @yesumob: Salvation is God’s business. It is a job He performs personally. And that is what Yahshua means: Yah Saves.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

RT @yesumob: What is Scripture? Are Paul's 13 letters Scripture? i.e. Romans, Corinthians 1st & 2nd, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians,
RT @yesumob: "Consequently it is a matter of sober historical fact that never before has any small body of ordinary people so moved the world"
RT @yesumob: Check this video out -- I know Jesus of the Bible - Jesus knows me via @YouTube

Monday, 9 January 2012

RT @yesumob: "The spirit of God found what surely he must always be seeking - a fellowship of men and women so united in love and faith"
RT @yesumob: If you cannot stand up for righteousness then you will perish with the devil, for sin.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

RT @yesumob: If you cannot stand up for righteousness then you will perish with the devil, for sin.
RT @yesumob: "There is no better way than being fruitful according to Christs own words to prove that we are his disciples"
RT @yesumob: "There is no better way than being fruitful however according to Christs own words to prove that we are his disciples"
RT @yesumob: "The average Christian is not fruitful"

Saturday, 7 January 2012

RT @yesumob: If you cannot stand up for righteousness then you will perish with the devil, for sin.
RT @yesumob: "John 10:10b I came that they might have life and might have it abundantly Jesus"
RT @yesumob: The wise flee from the false church and seek the true Master Jesus Christ.

Friday, 6 January 2012

RT @yesumob: Jesus has control over us by giving Himself as a sacrifice for our sins
RT @yesumob: If you cannot stand up for righteousness then you will perish with the devil, for sin.
RT @yesumob: "LISTEN TO THE GOOD NEWS[Thank God! It has been done by Jesus Christ our Lord He has set me free] Jesus"
RT @yesumob: "Jesus Christ has freed me from the vicious circle of sin and death Jesus"
RT @yesumob: "The old sinful nature within us is against God"

Thursday, 5 January 2012

RT @yesumob: FASTING so THAT TheTrueBelieversat Safaricom can CLAIM the SPACE used for TGIF @safaricom for TRUESERVICEto God? (4)
RT @yesumob: WHERE are TheTrueBelieversat Safaricom to CLAIM the SPACE used for TGIF @safaricom for TRUESERVICEto God?
RT @yesumob: "Ask God daily to make you sensitive to anything in your life which would be displeasing to Him"
RT @yesumob: "1John 1:9 If we confess our sins Heis faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse usfrom all unrighteousness"

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

RT @yesumob: We leave God out to our peril. We involve God to our blessing. Jesus
RT @yesumob: Whatever it is about - a job, a career, a business venture or marriage partner, a school, God must be OUR ALL and IN ALL.
RT @yesumob: In every decision WE must make God the ultimate factor.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

RT @yesumob: Romans 8:7 (NIV) 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so.
RT @yesumob: Whosoever shall call on the Lord shall be saved and delivered from bondage unto the freedom of the sons of God.
RT @yesumob: Tawi, Tawi langu lisilozaaa... nitaliondoa na kulitupa MachakosTownChoir! (The branch that does not bear fruit will get cut off and burned)
RT @yesumob: The branch that does not bear fruit will get cut off and burned. If we do not bear fruit we are useless for the Kingdom of God.
RT @yesumob: We must be receptive to the words of Jesus.
RT @yesumob: We have not repented, we have not really accepted Jesus as our Master, we have never obeyed Him, we never got baptized.
RT @yesumob: So many of us have heard the message of Jesus Christ many times, we have read the Bible many times,but we have not become doers of the word.
RT @yesumob: "Jesus meant for the Christian life to be an exciting abundant adventure (John 10:10 Galatians 5:22-23)"
RT @yesumob: "Jesus Christ has freed me from the vicious circle of sin and death"
RT @yesumob: "Knowing Jesus Christ personally is the greatest adventure man can experience"

Monday, 2 January 2012

RT @yesumob: REPENTANCE is turning away from the things of the world, turning away from the lusts of the flesh and DOING that which is pleasing to Jesus.
RT @yesumob: GET TO KNOW JESUS and FOLLOW HIM every day of your life until the very end.
RT @yesumob: Jesus must be your life, every moment of your life must center around Jesus Christ, or else your faith is just FAKE.
RT @yesumob: Salvation is knowing Jesus Christ. It is a relationship.
RT @yesumob: You OBEY Jesus, you are baptized in water. He said:”He who believes and is baptized will be saved.”
RT @yesumob: If you cannot stand out for Jesus, if you deny Him, He will certainly deny you also.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

RT @yesumob: "Christ alone could enable me to live the Christlife It is faith not effort that pleases Him"
RT @yesumob: "What a relief it was to me to discover that I would never be able to live the Christian life through my own efforts"